Sunday, December 30, 2007


To believe in Fantasies, is akin to lunacy
To consummate oneself in ones dreams, a fallacy.
A world of make believe , A world of rules,
A world of insignificance, A world which is untrue.

A dream is all that you want to live in,
No work to do, just sleep right through,
Walk into the stars, the sun and the moon,
And wish that this journey would never end.

With stars in your eyes and a mission in hand,
Do you go to achieve that goal, the dream.
Come what may, you want to surge ahead,
Cutting across all barricades, breaking all barriers.

An act of stupidity, filled with absurdity it may seem,
A dream is what you want to live in,
A dream is what you conceptualize,
A dream is what you want to bring to reality.

And you carry on till one day you crash against a wall,
The stupor broken, the haze is over, the hangover begins.
It pains you, shatters your soul, rocks your very being.
And the afterthought begins, Is the pursuit justified??

In search of the albatross do you find yourself,
You picture yourself as a phoenix,
You want to rise, rise from the ashes,
And finish that which is incomplete, your dream.

And you keep crashing onto the brick wall,
Making an attempt to break through it,
Your vision is blurred, you begin to slur,
Your mind is fogged, you begin to bleed.

Little do you realize that brick walls are made of bricks,
Little do you realize that all you need to do take out a few bricks,
Little do you realize that you need to make the obstacle hollow,
Little do you realize that all you need to do is think straight.

Self realization strikes then one day,
You remove the bricks make the wall hollow,
The wall collapses down to the ground,
Taking you with it to the ground, into burial.

And its time to surge ahead again, to hammer through.
Is it too late now to complete the incomplete,
Are you too old to be in pursuit of the ecstasy,

Well we need to realize, you are never too old to dream,
You are neither too old to pursue the dream,
Nor are you ever late in the pursuit of happiness.

There does wait the Excalibur,
Up above in the sky is it ready to be delivered,
Shining through the black fog and the purple haze
And the albatross flies through dropping it to you,
And you rise from the heap of bricks,
Like a phoenix, a phoenix rising through from the ashes,
A mission accomplished, a fantasy realized,
A dream , a realm of imagination, brought to reality.

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