Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Caution to the Winds

The unknown is so enticing, 
the known so predictable, 
Lucifer thou shall make it difficult. 
But thy knows puncturing cactus' in the deserts 
shall quench my thirst. 
The hot sands burn the soles, 
the loo blowing over my face, 
To go ahead is the only chance, 
looking back gives no respite.
Ride ride the carpet, 
fly away to harms way, 
throw cation to the winds.

Typing in an email, a sms, a report, 
a presentation, a letter ..... 
Time to leave all it behind, 
start afresh, on a plain state. 
Time to move on, 
some things will never go away, 
its okay to say hello to them once in a way, 
Ride ride the horse, 
straddle away to harms way, 
throw caution to the winds. 

It's all never all done for, 
It never all over, 
Time does not wait, 
Never is it constant, 
Moving in the invisible fourth, 
Signifying the only constant - Change. 
Ride Ride the travel machine, 
warp into harms way, 
throw caution to the winds. 

Look around it all in peace, 
You do not need to gather the pieces, 
You do not need to accumulate, 
You do not need to assimilate, 
It is not about being the one, 
We are all perfect, 
the way we are, 
Gratitude and thanks are not the only way.
You run your own path, 
your own free wave. 
Ride ride the tide, 
surf yor way onto harms way, 
throw caution to the winds.