Sunday, April 22, 2018


And I have committed sins,
Or have I ? Should I just have waited.
Is time really the healer,
Or is it something like God,
A way to forget,
A way to get away,
A way to your secret hiding place.

And I have done so many wrongs,
But what then is wrong ?
If there is nothing apparently right ?
If after darkness there shall be light,
What will be there after light, Darkness ?
A long stare far away
A long jump down
Far away and down to Nothing,
Everything black and empty.

After every pain and sorrow,
You shall feel pleasure and ecstacy,
But you need to wait,
You need to be patient,
It all comes slowly and steadily,
But what if I want it all at once,
Break the dam, break the barrier,
Take the Moving Train and charge away.

And it hurts, cuts like a knife,
The barrage of words sometimes it is,
The ice dagger like silence sometimes,
But then they are just words,
What is ice, nothing but frozen water,
Why take anything seriously,
The world’s a calm place,
Drop the knives and go away,
We will all be happy this way.

And they say behind every smile,
There might be a tear,
If duality was so profound,
Then entropy would not answer anything,
There would be nothing to find,
Nothing to discover,
Nothing to invent,
Nothing to imagine.

 And you have tried,
Tried everything you possibly can,
You have knocked at every door,
You have retraced every track,
You have not found the needle,
Neither have you found the haystack,
You have found nothing,
Life has been a zilch.

All there is to do then is fly away,
Tear everything apart, break away,
You don’t need the world,
The world does not need you either,
You will then find peace,
Peace in the insanity,
Peace in the daggers,
Peace in darkness,
Peace in the words.
Peace in imagination.
Peace in atonement.

Atonement by breaking away,
Atonement by relishing your sins,
Atonement by seeing through it all,
Atonement by darkness after light,
Atonement by finding nothing in everything,
Atonement by insanity.